Let's make an MMO
The following example project is for the Let's make an MMO in UE4 tutorial series on YouTube.
Installation Instructions
- Create a new OWS account here: http://www.sabredartstudios.com/Marketing/FreeTrial This project is not compatible with your existing OWS account.
- After you login, click on the Convert Account to Lets Make an MMO Project button located on the dashboard.
- Add a World Server in the World Servers tab.
- Download the version of the Let's make an MMO project that you want to start with (see downloads section below).
- Make sure you have the appropriate UE4 version for the project you download. Otherwise it will not work.
- Unzip the project zip file to a new project folder.
- DO NOT TRY TO OPEN THE PROJECT! If you accidently open the project. Delete the project folder and start over.
- Use the UE4 launcher to Create an empty project of the same version as the Let's make an MMO project you are trying to install.
- Use the UE4 launcher to install the following free marketplace content to the empty project you created in the previous step. This could take hours or days depending on your internet connection:
- Open World Demo Collection
- Paragon: Serath
- Paragon: Rampage
- Paragon: Agora and Monolith Environment (say yes if this one asks if you want to overwrite content)
Copy the following folders from the Content folder in your empty project to the Content folder in your unzipped Let's make an MMO project. They should sit beside the MMO folder.
- KiteDemo
- ParagonProps
- ParagonRampage
- ParagonSerath
- Open the Config\DefaultGame.ini file in Notepad and put your OWS API Key (found on the OWS dashboard) in the RPGAPICustomerKey field. Save the file and close.
- Open the OpenWorldStarter uproject file in the Let's make an MMO project folder. If it asks to rebuild, says "Yes". If that fails or you get any errors, right click on the uproject file and generate project files, then open the SLN in VS 2019 and press play.
- Navigate to the MMO\BP\Maps\WorldComp folder and open OurWorld map. I recommend setting this as your startup level.
- If you don't have the Levels window open, open it from the Window > Levels menu item.
- Select all sublevels, right click, then click Load.
- Open the dropdown next to the Play button in the UE4 editor and check "Run Dedicated Server". For 4.25 and higher this has been renamed to "Play as Client".
- Press the Play button in the UE4 editor.
Each project below is ready to start the video it references. If you are looking for the project at the end of a certain video, just download the project associated with the following video.
- 20210502 - Part 44.2 - Our First Boss Part 2 - UE 4.26.2
- 20200912 - Part 44.1 - Our First Boss Part 1 - UE 4.25.3
No Project for Download
- 20200801 - Part 43.4 - Hit Reactions Part 4 - UE 4.25.1
- 20200719 - Part 43.3 - Hit Reactions Part 3 - UE 4.25.1
- 20200701 - Part 43.2 - Hit Reactions Part 2 - UE 4.25.1
- 20200614 - Part 43.1 - Hit Reactions Part 1 - UE 4.25.1
- 20200606 - Part 42 - Upgrade to UE 4.25.1 - UE 4.25.1
- 20200530 - Part 41 - The Login Process - UE 4.24.3
- 20200522 - Part 40 - Our First Custom BP Node in C++ - UE 4.24.3
- 20200510 - Part 39 - Reboot - UE 4.24.3